Cordes Seabrook, Jr. (1927 – 2015)
The Foundation lost a good friend with the passing of Cordes Seabrook, Jr. on May 27th. Cordes was instrumental in chartering Foothills Community Foundation as a non-profit community foundation and served as the Foundation’s first Board Chairman. Cordes and Clinky created the Foundation’s first Charitable Remainder Unitrust in 1999 and the Foundation’s first Donor Advised Fund. He was quite philanthropic not only with his resources but also with his time. Cordes was especially proud of his work to promote philanthropy and improve his community, serving in a leadership role in several organizations. He introduced the idea for the Wise Walks Public Art Project and spear-headed the Foundation’s TBA 100 Initiative to add greenspace to the downtown area. The Foundation board of directors appointed Cordes “Director Emeritus” when he retired from board service in December 2011.