We Make Giving Simple &
Support Your Role
as a Professional Advisor
For more than twenty years the Foothills Community Foundation has served as a trusted resource developing personalized solutions, confidentially and without a fee.
Some of the best opportunities to make charitable contributions occur when clients are making other major business, personal and financial decisions—and developing a charitable plan that satisfies your client’s financial and charitable needs is no small task. We can serve as a resource for you and a philanthropic partner for your clients.
When your client’s need or desires to involve charitable giving in their financial planning, we can partner with you to achieve their goals. Our services make charitable giving effective, meaningful and convenient. We support your role as their advisor and can help connect family members over generations.
Why Work With Us?
1 We provide reliable and technical information on current and planned charitable giving.
2 We can receive a variety of assets and our platform offers many fund options to address your client’s needs and interests.
3 We can assist in multi-generational giving.
4 We provide anonymous giving if desired.
5 We provide efficient, flexible and customized philanthropic tools to match your client’s needs and desires.
6 As a Public Charity, we can help lighten your client’s tax burden, create a lasting charitable legacy and shift financial resources during retirement.
7 We serve as a knowledgeable source about our community’s nonprofit infrastructure and potential charitable investments that makes the biggest and best impact based on your client’s interest.
Testimonials from Attorneys, Accountants, & Wealth Managers
How We Can Help
We can help create a charitable plan for your client to give now or in the future.

A bequest in a will or other planning document is one of the simplest ways for your clients to make a gift or establish a Charitable Legacy through the Foothills Community Foundation.
Through a bequest, a client can make a contribution to an existing Fund at the Foundation or establish a named endowment fund. Either option ensures that their charitable wishes will be carried out forever.
Sample Bequest Language:
I/we give or bequeath to the Foothills Community Foundation (EIN: 58-2453349) located in Anderson South Carolina (all the Residue of my/our estate OR stated percentage of the estate OR specific asset or amount). The Foothills Community Foundation shall administer said gift in accordance to its original Charter and By-Laws including approved amendments.
Transferring a Private Foundation
If your clients have their own private foundation, they may be interested in learning the benefits of transferring it to a fund at the Foothills Community Foundation. Some people become overwhelmed with the management and fees associated with their foundation, and need a simpler solution.
There are two options to consider: one, a donor-advised fund or two, a supporting organization. Each approach allows your client to remain involved in grant making, if they desire. At the same time they will be able to ensure that their intent, name and pattern of charitable giving are maintained – in perpetuity if they wish.
We recommend clients not consider a supporting organization option unless there are unusual circumstances or have assets in the $5 million plus range.